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Internal Immune Society 101: Sanitation, College, CIA, Police and Spec Ops.

The microcosm of society inside our skin

The Immune System is a Containment System

The immune system maintains the integrity of systems, organs, glands, and tissues to freely work by containing, possibly neutralizing, and preparing for removal foreign material, toxins, other organisms, and damaged and/or non-functioning parts of the body.

Immunity is Learned from Exposure to the External World

Immunity is the way the immune system protects bodily tissues by knowing how to identify a foreign material, toxin, other organism, or a damaged and/or non-functioning part of the body for containment, possibly neutralization, and preparation for removal.

The Immune System is Like an Internal Sanitation System

The immune system is like a city sanitation system with garbage collectors who pick up trash, cleaners who scrub tissues, and a plumbing system for removal of sewage. Trash is put into trash cans for garbage trucks, cleaners scrub away dirt with soap and water, and sewage is put into pipes and flushed away; altogether for containment to be delivered away from healthy living tissue to keep the inside of the body sanitary. When sanitation cannot be maintained the body's immune systems fails to contain trash, dirt, and sewage.

Immunology - Parts of the Immune System and Functions

Immunology is the biological study of the various parts of the immune system and immunity which is used by all forms of medicine.

  • Skin - durable outer protective layer that divides the territory of the internal body from the external world.
  • Bone Marrow - the internal tissue inside bones that makes white blood cells from stem cells.
  • Immune Cells - produced in the bone marrow to become white blood cells, some immune cells go to the thymus gland to learn pattern recognition.
  • Thymus Gland - where immune cells develops the intelligence of pattern recognition of foreign material, toxins, other organisms, and damaged and/or non-functioning parts of the body.
  • Lymph System - internal plumbing system outside of the vascular system to move fluids around to assist tissue cleanliness.
  • Spleen - located in the gut where immune cells cluster, also filters blood through the lymph system
  • Liver - plays an important role in neutralizing toxins and processing them for removal from the body.
  • Interferon - protective fluid made of protein to maintain cellular integrity.

Nutrition Supports, Builds, and Promotes Immune System Function

Nutrition is most important for a healthy immune system. Consumption of complete balanced meals with a focus on nutrient dense foods will offer the most raw materials for a strong immune system.

  • Protein - the immune system requires adequate protein to be used for making immune cells and interferon.
  • Vitamins - most important immune system related vitamins include vitamin C, D, E, and B6.
  • Minerals - selenium, zinc, copper are some of the most important immune system minerals.
  • Essential Fatty Acids - protect tissues from breakdown and reduce the need for the immune system to protect tissues from damage during use.
  • Polyphenols and bioflavonoids - classified as antioxidants which work with the oxidation of energy and maintain tissue integrity, reducing the need for the immune system to protect tissues.
  • Polysaccharides - long chained branched sugars found in many medicinal herbs which promote immune cell activity; especially high concentrations are found in medicinal mushrooms and astragalus root.

Use Dietary Supplements to Boost Immune System Function and Promote Immunity

We may use dietary supplements to support, maintain, and boost immune system function and promote the body's ability to learn immunity. Additionally, dietary supplements can be used effectively to support recovery and healing after a cold or flu has passed.

Using dietary supplements ineffectively to treat, manage, prevent, or cure a cold or flu is known as quackery. Using vaccines to boost immune system function is also quackery, since vaccines only convey immunity, to allow the immune system to have knowledge of a bacterial or viral pathogen.